Reading Time Analyzer

Visualize your reading habits and track progress over time

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Your Reading Progress

Here's a visual representation of your yearly reading time.

Reading Time Breakdown

0h 0m
    0h 0m
      6 Months
      0h 0m
        0h 0m

          Advanced Reading Analytics

          Core Metrics
          • Weekly Reading: Days × Minutes
          • Monthly Estimate: Weekly × 4.345
          • Annual Total: Weekly × 52
          • Pages/Minute: 200 ÷ 350 = 0.57
          Advanced Calculations
          • Book Time: 285 pages × 350 words ÷ 200 wpm = 499 mins
          • Session Impact: (New Weekly Mins × 52) ÷ 499
          • Daily Pages: (Weekly Mins × 0.57) ÷ 7

          Current Trajectory

          0 books/year
          0.0 pages/day average

          Time Optimization

          Add 1 weekly session
          +0.0 books/year
          Like reading during lunch breaks
          Add 5 mins/session
          +0.0 books/year
          Equivalent to less social media time

          Achievement Roadmap

          Current Pace:
          0 books in 5 years
          With Extra Session:
          0 books in 5 years (+0)